We provide services for the development and series production
of various types of plastics according to your specifications
There is no need to recruit a large team, design the product, make the tools, prepare production, find specialists, equipment, space and materials.
You know that you will receive quality products just in time, and can focus your efforts on working through the remaining stages of assembly or production.
In a volatile market and with dramatic price trends, you know exactly how much your product will cost.
You know the result you want, and our specialists take care of tool design, production preparation, and finding the best materials for your product. We are always in touch, ready to answer all your questions.
At every stage of development we work closely with you.
You always know at what stage of production your product is at.
Our highly qualified specialists are ready to answer all your questions and find the most efficient solution for your needs.
You can call us:
+7 (4842) 500-595
+7 (4842) 500-596
or order
A wide range of capabilities enables us to solve our customers' complex problems.
Our managers are always available to answer any questions, to help choose the best solution for customers' projects.
Our production is certified according to the standards of Quality Management System - ISO: 9001.
100% of our production capacity is located in Kaluga, Russia.
More than 25 years of experience in contracting projects of varying complexity for companies operating in a variety of markets.
We work out optimal scheme of co-operation, are flexible in our relations with the customer.
We obtain the best price to quality ratio.
Our clients always receive our goods of high quality and just in time.
Extrusion - is the production of profiles of unlimited length from polymer materials by extruding the melt through a die.
Processing of plastics by injection of molten material under pressure into the mould, followed by cooling.
We provide various decorating options in our production facility:
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8 800 250 2022
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